I'm sorry you had to go through insomnia by your self, I would've known, I would have stayed up to got through it with you. I went to sleep early cuz I had to babysit....(which I was informed that I wouldn't have to do THIS MORNING.....I'm kinda mad about that...) ~Tsubasa pops up~ Tsubasa: Ne Zoe-chan, I liked the fan-fic! It made me pee my paints! Hikaru: Seriously?? Tsubasa: ........ *Hikaru send Tsubasa flying* Hikaru: That's descusting you.......... *shudder* Anywhozyz.....I hear that you and Touga *wink wink nudge nudge* Good for you! Now maybe you'll belive me *EG* Hikaru: Today I was basically planning to work on the site today...after I come back from the computer store....I'm gonna try to find a better paint program...I hope I can *weep* *Tsubasa magically appears* Tsubasa: It's okay Hikaru-chan.....we'll find one..... Hikaru: *weep weep weep* (the tears are staring to make sparks come out of the computer) Tsubasa: I personally think Zoe, that you kinda had me pegged in the fan-fic....but I'm a little more outgoing to the one I love....*hugs Hikaru* As you can see.. *WHAM!* Tsubasa: (as he flys away) seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........... Hikaru: *huff puff* Grrr.......I may adore him, but sometimes he erks me. The fan fic was REAL good. REAL REAL good. Insomnia can make you silly like that.....remember, that's how we wrote the 101 resons..... ~Marron pops up~ Marron: I still don't see how you guys did that.... *Hikaru is out like a light, with hearts in her eyes* Hikaru: Marron..s...samaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *Tsubasa whacks Marron on the head* Tsubasa: What the HELL are you doing here?? Hikaru is MINE! Marron: **sweatdrop** *Hikaru whacks Tsubasa with the mallet* Hikaru: How DARE you hit Marron-sama!!!! *Hikaru magically turns into her Akio Hunter costume* Hikaru: You shall payyyyyyyyyyyy (Pay echoes through Frederick) Tsubasa: *hearts* Hikaru........c...chan.... *Tsubasa is out like a light* Marron and Hikaru: **sweatdrop** Hikaru: Marron-sama! You did the same thing I did! You do love me! *glomp* Marron: Ge...get...off of me! *Marron throughs a ward to the floor, and magically starts up the Untill Strawberry Sherbert mp3* Hikaru: *blink blink* *Starts to grove* ~Marron sneaks away~ *After the song is over, she realizes Marron is gone* Hikaru: *tears in her eyes* Marron-s-sama???? *weep* Tsubasa: I am here Hikaru-chan! DOn't worry. Hikaru: *punch* I WANT MARRON, NOT YOU!!!!! ~Ryoga pops in~ Ryoga: oh great.....where on Earth am I now??? Hikaru: *eyes pop out* RYOGA?!?!?!?!? *glomp* Oh.....Ryoga-kun!!! Hooai Hooai! Ryoga: **blush followed by a nosebleed** Tsubasa: deme......*punches Ryoga* Hikaru is mine! Ryoga: Who asked you? You....you....josou! Tsubasa: Yeah! And I'm proud of it Pig boy! *Hikaru sits and watches the fight* Hikaru: I like boys fighting over me...*EG* Anyway...while they're fighting, (in the back Ryoga and Tsubasa are giving eachother noogies) Did you upload Rurouni no hana?? Well I guess I'll find out when I go to tripod ne? ~magically turns back to her normal self~ Hikaru: I never got the e-group thingy, I dunno why, but I didn't.......huh........ANywhozyz....IM me when you get back on......that is if I'm on.... ~Tsubasa take the keyboard~ Tsubasa: Yeah because Hikaru and I maybe doing..... *PUNCH!* Hikaru: enchi. Anyway! Be-bye!!! Ryoga: but how am *I* gonna get home????? ************************************************* Me and Tsubasa Would just like to tell you how much we looooooooooooove being Akio Hunters because we get to kick that sex fiend's ass everyday! WHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO Tsubasa: **sweatdrop** ************************************************** **************************************************