
Well, you finally made it here. Good. This is the inspiration for our site. This was the building blocks of our site!
*insert clapping crowd here*
If you can't tell, we loooooooooooooooooooooove Marron Glaces.
Zoë: *pops in* Oh yes! Those are very tasty!
Hikaru: *bops Zoë on the head with her mallet* Not that kind!
Zoë: I said, veeeeeeery tasty!
Hikaru: *tapes up Zoë's mouth* Can I finish the intro????
Zoë: mphm mhph hmp!
Hikaru: Thank you. Anywho......wait? Where did we leave off???
Zoë: mph hmp phmh
Hikaru: Oh yeah....Marron is from the most excellent anime Bakuretsu Hunters (Sorcerer Hunters). BH is now being relased by ADVision, and *choke* Mixx Zine.....
Zoë: *takes off the tape* Mixx Zine no baka!
Hikaru: *puts tape back on* I know, I know, but they are bringing it out.
Zoë: mhph mpm hmpm
Hikaru: Good point.
Zoë: *takes tape off again* AND SO........Let us begin the worshiping!

101)   "He doesn't need no stinkin' armor!"

100)   "He's dark and mysterious"

99)   "He can be dark and mysterious without being like Akio."

98)   "He's the priestest of Suzaku!"

Hikaru: Nooooooo! He's the PRIEST of Suzaku! Marron is not a girl!

97)   "His eyes glow in the dark! That can come in real handy! ^_~ you know what we mean *EG*"

96)   "He was the first anime character that we drooled over......*both think of Marron and create a puddle of drool*"

95)   "His spells kick ass!!!!"

94)   "He can actually put up with Gateau hitting on him all the time."

93)   "His hair looks really cool wind swept"

92)   Hikaru: *glares at Zoë* "The words may mean nothing to you but I'm gonna say it about him.....'Oh yes, baby'"

91)   "His voice isn't that Touga/Hotohori/MahoTsukaiTaiGayDude person"

90)   "Makes a good puppy????"

89)   "He's cuter than Daughter-chan.....that takes skill."

88)   "Everything he does takes skill for that matter."

87)   "He doesn't have a big brother complex."

86)   Nanami: ~pops in~ If he was *my* brother, I would have a *cough* complex. WHOHOOHOHOHOHOOHOHOHOHOOHO ~poof~
**Hikaru and Zoë stare at where Namai was with sweatdrops on their forehead**
Hikaru: I think Karen and Becka have effected us too much...

85)   "Marron loves his brother like a good sibling should."

84)   Hikaru: Did we mention he's not gay??
Zoë: no.....HE'S NOT GAY! *smirk* Now we did.

83)   "Even on the verge of death, he still makes us melt.....~sigh of joy~"

82)   "Marron bleeds with style"

81)   "Word associtation......Carrot: gutter; Marron: Heaven"

80)   "He Never has a bad hair day."

79)   "Marron Glaces don't get soggy in water."

78)   "He proudly shows his mother', everything."

77)   "Don't you just love the way Marron has cooly brushed off every attempt Gateau made a hit on him?"

76)   "He's much, much, MUCH cooler than Carrot."

75)   Hikaru: He has sedused more women in the short span of the show than Carrot will in his whole life
Zoë: ^__________^ Like us you mean?
Hikaru: Yes, Zoë, us.

74)   "Do you notice that Marron knows exactly what's going on at all times? That tells ya something."

73)   "He gets to be best buds with Tira, one of the COOLEST anime females in existence"

72)   "This pic is a reason in itself!"

71)   "Can you get any cuter???........NO!!!!"

70)   "When Marron gets pissed, he's even hotter."

69)   "He's the only person in BH that doesn't have a futile weapon of some sort."

68)   Hikaru: Marron looks like Touga, need we say more??
Zoë: He does NOT look like Touga! *brain fries at that thought*
Hikaru: Well, he kinda does.....he has the long hair thing goin' for him.
Zoë: .........long hair..........BESIDES THAT!
Hikaru: Girly looks......
Zoë: .........
Hikaru: big chest, attracts both sexes....need I say more?
Zoë: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

67)   "Marron draws the attention of the viewer in every illustration."

66)   "Marron is comfortable with his girly looks......*drool* and so are we!"

65)   Zoë: He can do magic!
Hikaru: Pun intended *EG*

64)   Zoë: He's 16!
*Hikaru pops up* Hey! That's only 2 years younger than Touga! ^-^

63)   "He's cool on ice....."

62)   Zoë: He looks so cute in that robe!

61)   Hikaru: and no one else does.....

60)   Zoë: He looks so cute when he's not in that robe.......*eg*

59)   "He always has a good line, unlike some people we know. (EX: "Yes, I am big aren't I?" is not something Marron would say....)

58)   "Every little thing he does is magic. (pun intended)"

57)   Zoë: I repeat, he looks damn good in that robe!

56)   Hikaru: He's one the only hot anime guys that isn't a jerk. *cough, cough, Touga, cough, cough*
Zoë: "........."

55)   Hikaru: When he uses a sword, he *blush* USES it.
Zoë: Pun intended???
Hikaru: Maybe, maybe not.......*hides under her trusty blanket*

54)   "Hell, his dub voice makes him seem even hotter!"

53)   Zoë: named after European chestnuts.....aka "marrons"
Hikaru: Well, that's a reason too! (pun intended)

52)   "He's the perfect example of manlyness." (get your head out of the dirt...we didn't mean it like that!!................okay, so we did)

51)   "Is okay with his brother having the spotlight of the show, because his beauty shines through it."

50)   "Just look at him!!! H_H"

49)   "Would turn Haruka (Sailor Uranus) back to likeing boys."

48)   "Would turn anyone into likeing boys for that matter!" *cough, cough, Gateau, cough, cough*

47)   "Even as a kid, he was STILL the cutest guy who ever lived."

46)   "He doesn't need a whipping everyday."

45)   "Looking at him makes us wish he would give us a whipping everyday."

44)   "He worships Carrot"
*both blink*
Hikaru: *takes away the keyboard away from Carrot* What the hell are you doing here???
*Hikaru and Zoë turn to see Chocolate and Tira in their Sorcerer hunting forms, ready to kick some ass*
**Sweatdrops appear on Hikaru's and Zoë's heads**
Hikaru: Ah, sou ka......Zoë-chan?
(too late, Zoë was already asking Tira for an autograph)
Hikaru: **sweatdrop again** Okay perv, you can stay here. But you have to be quiet.
Carrot: Done.
Hikaru: You also have to stop pinching my butt.
Carrot: Awwwwww, you're no fun.

43)   "He throws those nifty ofuda scrolls without saying "AKU RYU TAI SAN!" Because.....he is above and beyond calling out moves."

42)   "He has beauty and intellagence"

41)   "You never see him hit on anyone through the whole series, meaning he's not sex-crazed like everyine else in the show."
Carrot: And that's a good thing?

40)   Hikaru: His eyes...........*drool*

39)   "He even looks hot in SD form!"

38)   *Carrot grabs the keyboard again* "He's a closet pervert!"
Hikaru: ~pops up~ I thought I told you to stop touching my butt. *Hikaru reads what Carrot typed* NANI??????!?!?!?!?! SAY YOUR PRAYERS BEAST BOY! *Hikaru chases Carrot around the room, swinging her mallet*
*Zoë is still bowing to Tira*

37)   Marron: *appears* I am NOT a closet pervert.
Hikaru and Zoë: *passed out on the floor from the sudden shock of cuteness* ..........Marron-sama.........
**A sweatdrop appears on Marron's head**

36)   "In the beach episode, did you notice that Marron was nowhere to be found during the day? That's because millions of girlz were mobbing him cuz he was in a swim suit *drools at thought*"

35)   "He's the best looking guy on the show"

34)   "He's the best looking girl in the show."

33)   "Hell, he's the best looking ANYTHING in the show."

32)   "He's prettier than Milphy Yu........."

31)   "He can tell when there's a nasty sorcerer in your mirror."

30)   "He has longer hair than us."

29)   "His name sound so good when you scream 'MARRON-SAMA!!!!!!' like a good little fan girl should."

28)   "He isn't phased by anything....except for when his brother gets hurt."

27)   "Just read this: Marron baby story 1 2 (awwwwwwwwww.......kawaiii)"

26)   Hikaru: He controls fire, and ALL the BEST anime characters have the power FIRE!
Zoë: Shameless Hikaru plug......
Hikaru: You know it! ^_^

25)   "He looks good in glasses"

24)   Zoë: His eyes! His eyes!
Hikaru: That's my line!!!

23)   "Marron Glaces are just so yummy...........(pun intended)"

22)   Zoë: *pops in with an encyclopedia* The wide spread chestnut orchards found in the Italian mountains grow "marrons", lage meaty chestnuts which when cooked in a sugar syrup become delicious and soft candied fruits. A limited production, appreciated by the most refined palates, a new and precious gift. *closes book* I agree ^____^ *L*

21)   "Marron Glaces taste better then Carrot Glaces......not that we know from experiance......."

20)   Zoë: He's a GOD! And a prince!

Hikaru: That's two, two, two guys in one!

19)   "Did we mention that he looks FINE in that robe????"

18)   "When waking up with Gateau naked what does Marron do?? He acts cool, and pretended nothing happened (which is true)"

17)   "He's not annoying unlike other magic users we know....*cough, cough, Xellos, cough, cough*"

16)   "His catch phase is '...............'"

15)   "His catch phrase is just too cool."

14)   "He CAN ask for directions."

13)   "Marron knows 'Legendary Eastern Magic'" (pun intended)

12)   "He doesn't have to show any skin, but when he does....he's even hotter."

11)   "He's sexier than Chocolate....Tira and Gatou seem to agree…."

10)   “Marron doesn’t seem like Carrot’s younger brother at all!”

9)   Zoë: Marron can look smug without looking like Touga

Hikaru: Hey!

8)   “Marron acts like a big brother, even though he’s the youngest”

7)   “He likes different kinds of music (aka grassharp)"

6)   "He’s fair skinned, and as everyone knows, ALL fair skinned males in anime are HOT!"

5)   “Good things come in threes (speaking of the shadows at the end of the TV)”

4)   “Doesn’t take ANYTHING from his father’s side of the family.”

3)   “He’s VERY well drawn.”

2)   “Those little whisps of hair that fall on his face……….*swoon*”

1)   “In other words….we love you…..”

Hikaru: **wipes the sweat from her knuckles** Ne, Zoë-chan?
Zoë: **passed out on the floor** Marron- *twitch* sama *twitch twich*
Hikaru: **sweatdrop** Anywhozyz, the time is now 4:28am and surprisingly, we aren't tired.....odd....that's really..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Back to the insanity?????