Hikaru and Zoë begin to dance around Hikaru's computer like two.... um.... well... fangirls (^^;;). Zoë performs her little jig, as she hops onto the top of Hikaru's Computer desk.
Hikaru: Zoë-chan! Be careful, don't break any-
Hikaru: Thing...
Zoë: **iz out like a light**
Hikaru shakes her head and goes back to updating, when she realises that Zoë, while crashing, completley destoryed Hikaru's computer. Hikaru, who is VERY attached to her computer, DIES.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the closet, Touga is hurringly prepairing to visit the girls, much to their dismay. He walks through the insta portal to Hikaru's closet and smiles a big smile.
Touga: How are you beautiful ladies this evening?
Hikaru: *is still dead*
Zoë: *twitch twitch*
Touga: *smiles smugly* I see, so it's the game of Sleeping Beauty that you two want to play. I'm game. *evil laughter*
Hikaru: *is now joining the choir invisible*
Touga, always aiming to *ahem* with Zoë, chooses to wake Zoë up first. He leans over to her face and smiles.
Touga: Zoë, my love, I know you're gonna enjoy this....
Touga: **goes in for the kiss**
Hikaru and Zoë pop up and both make peace signs. They smile cutley. Suddenly Touga, Tsubasa, Nuriko, and Tasuki land on the two, making a big boom. We then see Hikaru and Zoë on the bottom of an anime character pile-up, both dirty and bandaged. Hikaru smiles nervously with a sweatdrop on her forehead, while Zoë looked very P.O.ed
Touga: **leans in for the kiss**
Touga, after a year of trying, he finally succeeds in kissing Zoë. And there was much rejoicing on his part......
As for Zoë.......
Zoë: **wakes up** WHAT THE F---?!?!?! *knocks Touga out of the atmosphere*
Hikaru: **finally wakes up** Zoë-chan? Did what I think just happen, happen??
Zoë: **trying to sterilize her lips, while crying** Yes.. *weep*
Hikaru: ^______^ yay! Meaning you and Touga are an item now right?